The Powerful
With Mel Daniels
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Episode 6 | The key to powerful content
In episode 6, Mel covers how the WHO and WHY fit together when it comes to creating powerful content. Plus embracing your values in content.
Episode 5 | The secret to showing up authentically on your socials with Melissa Schulz
In this episode, Mel and Melissa cover what authenticity means and what authenticity looks like in your business and on socials.
Episode 4 | Using your content super power
In this episode, Mel covers the four different superpowers and creating stand-out content by connecting to your superpower.
Episode 3 | Why sales funnels suck
Episode 3, Join Mel while she discussed traditional sales funnels and why they suck. Also what happens when you use powerful content.
Episode 2 | Everyone has a story to tell
In episode 02, Mel tells her story and the values and beliefs that drive everything in her business and why you should care.
Episode 1 | And so it begins
Join Mel and her new podcast, The Powerful Content Podcast. In episode 1, And so it begins, you’ll learn what you can expect in each episode.
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The Content Roadmap