
There’s something exciting about a new year. New opportunities, new plans, new focus. I love it. I’m a bit of a nerdy organiser so I love setting new goals and mapping out a plan on how to get there.

Sometimes goals and plans can fall by the wayside if we get a little busy or lose momentum. That’s why I love to create a word for the year. Something that represents how I want to feel everyday when I sit at my desk. Something that will inspire me and challenge me.

This is the third year that I’ve done this and I love it! First year my word was EMBRACE, then last year it was PRESENCE. This year I’m going for

B R A V E.

To me this word encapsulates the feeling of being scared but taking a huge breath and doing it anyway! Here’s how I’m planning on being brave this year.

In my strategy

It’s time to take a leap of faith and expand. It’s time to scale and systemize and the only way I can do that is with extra help. Being a low risk taker, it’s time to throw caution to the wind and do something about it. I’m aiming to have four virtual assistants working with me by the end of the year.

In putting myself out there

Like many service providers, I am my business. This means that my face needs to be out there much more than what it currently is. Last year I promised myself that video would play a much larger role in my strategy. It did for a while, but then fell by the wayside.

As I learn more about streamlining businesses, I can see how one video can create a whole world of extra content that can be quickly and easily distributed. I need to be brave that I can and will put my face on video.

Doing things that scare me

One thing that scares me more than video is Facebook Lives! Eek. So, to ensure that I’m brave in doing these, I’ve written them into my content plan. No excuses now!

Last year I also wrote about attending more networking events. I’m happy to say that I did, however they still freak me out a little. The expansion of my business will mean that attending more of these events is essential to increase my client base.

In my personal life

This year my children are my shining examples of being brave. How could I not be as well? One is starting high school and the other is starting a new primary school. Both are big changes that bring a great deal of uncertainty with them.

Personally, being brave will mean saying no, doing more of what’s good for me and my family as well as speaking up when I usually shy away to keep the peace.

I’m looking forward to my brave year. What has 2019 got in store for you?

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