
Confidence is all about believing in yourself and feeling comfortable in who you are. And believe it or not, it’s something that you can learn to create through your content.

Confidence helps us to show up more often and more consistently online with a message that is aligned to our values and beliefs. This in turn helps our ideal clients to connect with us which then allows us to go onto nurture them and turn them into paying clients.

Having confidence also allows us to be ready and open for opportunities that come our way. We’re more likely to try something new or try again when something doesn’t go to plan. It makes you a better leader in your community and helps you to connect with your ideal client on a deeper level.

In essence, confidence helps us grow our business.

There’s plenty of coaches out there who can give you tips on creating confidence. But I believe that we can also learn to create confidence in ourselves through our content by following The Circle of Content Confidence.

Circle of Content Confidence


The first step that we need to take is create our piece of content! You know your ideal client and you know what they’re thinking, feeling and doing at each stage of the client journey, so you have a pretty good idea of what she needs to hear right now.

It may be a core piece of content like a podcast, blog or video or it may be supplementary content like an email or social media post. Whatever it is, think about how you can move your ideal client through the client journey and then create your content.


Now it’s time to take the next step and put it out into the world! Don’t be afraid to share it often, as not all of your followers/readers/listeners see every piece of content. It takes confidence to post your piece of content but I promise that it gets easier as you do it more consistently.


You’ll soon know if your content was well received. Besides the vanity metrics of likes or comments, your best feedback will come with action. Did they follow your call to action? Did they open, listen, click the link, share, tag, signup or buy?


Based on your feedback, you now have the opportunity to refine your message and content accordingly. You may also need to refine your ideal client, as perhaps the people who are currently following you are not who you’d really like to work with.

This helps you become better at sharing your message in a genuine way. Once you’ve made the necessary tweaks, you go back to creating and start The Circle of Content Confidence all over again.

As you continue to create aligned content more consistently in line with the feedback that you’re receiving, you’ll find that creating content and talking about your beliefs and message becomes easier. In turn, your confidence will grow. You’ll start to become more aware of your brand personality and values and attract more people into your community that feel the same way as you.

Attracting these people means a more engaged and energised community that are more likely to purchase from you and become raving fans. The Circle of Content Confidence is a never ending, but always expanding process.

I love watching the growing confidence of women inside of The Content Project as they go through these steps. One of the ways that we practice this is #fridaylive, which is an opportunity for you to practice going live and sharing your message. If you’d like to increase your confidence through content, come and join us! We’d love to welcome you inside.

“Confidence is not something that you have. It’s something that you create.” Tony Robbins

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