
Guest post by Romina Cavagnola, Alchemy of Alignment

Someone asked me the other day why storytelling is so important when writing content for your business. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been asked that question. Aside from the fact that stories are capable of conveying emotion, experience, knowledge, and so much more, the simplest response is so well put by Donald Miller (author of Building a Story Brand): ‘The fact is, pretty websites don’t sell things. Words sell things.’

And it’s true. Simply showing up online – having a website, posting daily on social media – doesn’t sell your work. It doesn’t get you engagement consistently, which is what you want. And I’m not talking about Likes and comments, either. I mean an energetic connection between your words and the person reading them. I mean the fact that they were drawn in enough by your content to bother clicking “Read more” on your post.

The way you show up is key to how your audience engages with you. More specifically, the words you use are what breed true engagement. Sure, a beautiful graphic might capture their attention; but it is your first sentence that piques their interest. And that’s where story comes in.

Now, a story isn’t just a specific structure or the particular aspects that should be covered when writing it (such as plot, character, details, etc.); especially when we’re talking about weaving the element of story into business content. We tell stories in business because they give the reader a way to connect, emotionally, with what we do. It lets them see themselves in your shoes, or in the shoes of the people you’ve helped, and understand why YOU are the person to guide them on their journey.

When you share a story, especially a personal one, it creates a world where the work you do comes to life. A well-chosen story – with well thought-out wording and a structure that flows – acts as a mini client experience, showing them the potential outcomes they could have by working with you.

One thing I’ve noticed about storytelling in marketing lately, is the common idea that the story isn’t about you but rather your customer. I find this concept ambiguous, because the most connected, aligned way to reach my soul clients that I’ve found is telling MY story. So, I want to put a spin on this idea to clarify it for you.

The story you tell is yours. The way you tell it is about the client.

Ask yourself, ‘Why am I sharing this story? What value do my prospective soul clients get from this story?’

(Maybe even write down your answer. This can sometimes give you great insights into what you want to share, why, how, and in which situations.)

Marketing is absolutely about the client, because your aim is to convince them that they need what you have to offer. Your product, your service, your specific approach to the problem they have. But you can contextualise your offering by sharing your relevant experiences in a way that creates a clear vision for them about how they will benefit from working with you.

Storytelling is about communicating a clear message in an evocative way. It is about sharing your knowledge through a narrative that drives your audience’s interest, holds their attention, and builds their trust in you and your business. It is about pinpointing exactly which kind of experience from your own life (even case studies from clients you’ve helped can work, depending on the context) will connect with a client and open their minds to the possibility of taking the next step on your client journey.


Romina Cavagnola is a story coach, publisher, and soulcopy writer working with soulful women in business to draw out the essence of their message and weave it into their words. She uses her extensive experience in content development, book publishing, publishing support, instructional design, and project management (as well as qualifications in these areas) alongside tools such as meditation and journaling to support her clients’ writing journeys. Through her company, Alchemy of Alignment™ Publishing, she guides authors in crafting their stories in a compelling way while activating and holding space for their self-healing through story.

Romina is a single, co-parenting boy mama of a little adventure seeker and can often be found on “adventures” with her son, gazing at the stars, reading a book (or several at once), and bursting into song for no apparent reason.

You can find Romina in these online spaces:






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