Content marketing is the way that you take your client through their journey with you. It helps you to take your ideal client from knowing absolutely nothing about you, through to them becoming a raving fan. So, delivering the right content at the right time in the journey is an important part of converting your ideal client.

A strategy wrapped around your content marketing provides you with a roadmap to success. It helps you to articulate exactly who your ideal client is, what they are thinking, feeling and doing at each stage of their journey with you and how to convey your message so that they fall in love with you and can’t wait to work with you!

Whilst a successful content marketing strategy is about your ideal client and how to take them through the client journey, it really should start with you. How does your content creation make you feel? What types of content do you love to create? How can you bring more joy and ease into your content?

To get to the core of these questions, you need to start with looking backwards, so that you can successfully plan for the future.


I recently downloaded a review guide from a well-known business coach as I was keen to look at my what worked well in my business over the past year. I deleted it as soon as I opened it. 30 pages of reviewing statistics is not my idea of fun!

Don’t get me wrong, looking at your numbers is exceptionally useful. I do it every month. But I just don’t have time to search through my analytics and answer 100 questions. It’s not a productive exercise.

Instead of looking at your analytics, I encourage you to review your business (and specifically your content) through the lens of how you felt over the past year. Think about questions such as:

  • What did I really enjoy creating and how can you bring more of this to my business?
  • How can I create more space for what I love to do with my content creation?
  • What makes your business unique?
  • What feels easy to create?

Once you can identify what lit you up with your content over the past year, you can use this information to guide your content marketing strategy for the upcoming year.


When looking at your content marketing plan for the year, most people don’t take the time to think about how to make sure that their content fits in with their time, energy and resources.

Remember, just because someone says that you should be doing something, doesn’t mean you have to do it!

By all means vision big with your planning but remember to pare it back to what’s reasonable in your season of life right now.

Once you know what feels right for you then you can get on with the nitty gritty planning.

  • What do you want your content to achieve?
  • How will you measure this?
  • What do you enjoy creating the most? (Reels aren’t on my list 😆)
  • What do you need to learn in this space to help your business grow?
  • How do you want your content to make you feel?

If you align all of these answers with your vision and values, then you can’t go wrong with your content marketing strategy. It will feel good, easy to create and joyous to share with the world.

Download my unconventional Content Review and Planning Guide here so that you can start on your path to a powerfully aligned strategy that feels right for you and your business and converts your ideal client as well.

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