
For me, reviewing your content is more about how it feels, rather than the numbers. Whilst the numbers are important to understand whether you’re achieving your objectives with your content, we can sometimes get a little obsessed with them. So, for a moment I want you to forget about how many people are on your email list or who follow you on socials and lean into these three questions to help you review your content.

How does content creation and strategy make you feel?

I’m starting with a big question! It’s amazing the number of people who answer ‘hard’ or ‘heavy’ to this question. And that just makes me want to cry, because creating content should be an enjoyable part of your business.

No matter how or why you serve your clients, we’re all in the business of content creation. It’s the lifeblood of how we connect, nurture and convert our ideal client so if it feels hard or heavy, it’s likely that your business feels hard or heavy as well.

So, the second part of this question is how can you change or grow the way you feel about content creation and strategy next year?

One of the easiest places to start with this is my Unlock your content super power quiz. In under 4 minutes you’ll understand exactly what your strengths are and how to harness them to make content creation feel easier.

When do I feel the most motivated to create content?

Is there a certain time of day or week that you feel in the right frame of mind to create content? Is there something about what you do (light a candle, put on music, have a coffee) or where you are (outside in the sunshine, sitting quietly at a desk) that invokes your creative flow?

If so, then do more of this! If not, then perhaps experiment with different aspects of where you are or what you’re doing to see if it inspires your content creation.

Side note here: if we’re constantly waiting to become in flow, it may never happen, so the idea here is to find ways that you can immediately increase the likelihood that you’ll actually write that blog or record your podcast or video!

How have I (and my business) grown and changed over the year?

This is a big one in my books. We go through periods of growth, reflection and stagnation. There’s no judgement attached to any of these periods, but it does mean that you need to revisit aspects of your business and content.

Think about whether your ideal client has changed (tip: use my Unboring ideal client avatar workbook), whether your lead magnet is still relevant or even if your beliefs and therefore your message has changed.

Reflecting on all these things will help you uncover your strengths and give you the best chance possible to enjoy creating content for your audience.

Reviewing your content and reflecting on how you can change the way that you approach it is something that I encourage inside The Content Effect, especially at this time of year. That’s why I’ve created a training and workbook full of prompts to uncover whether your content is working for you or against you. Click here if you’d like a copy of the workbook.

Whether you love content or loathe it, I hope that spending just a few minutes thinking about these questions will help you dive into how you can make it a more enjoyable part of your business journey.

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