
2022 has been an interesting year for me. How has it been for you? However, you’ve felt about this year, congrats on making it through another year in business.

I really love this time of year as it gives me the opportunity to review and reflect. I do this with all different parts of my business, including my content (email me here if you’d like a copy of my content review workbook). You’ll find me downloading all the review and planning workbooks I possibly can as I love learning from different perspectives.

For me, part of the review process is letting go. I find acknowledging and accepting things that didn’t go so well just as important as celebrating all the wins. This helps me to release the old and move into the New Year with a lightness and positivity.

No matter how I feel the year has gone, I always love to write this yearly blog to show gratitude for the things that I’ve achieved. As a perfectionist and high achiever, I often forget that I should stop to celebrate the successes. This blog’s always a great way for me to take a breath and be grateful for all that has happened over the past year.

So, grab a glass of your favourite beverage and let’s cheers our successes and all the things that we had to smile about in 2021.

The Powerful Content Podcast

Did you know that I started a podcast? My husband had been pestering me for ages, saying that I needed to start one but I had always put it into the too hard basket. Too much work, too much time, too much planning.

But something clicked early in the year and a nudge from a couple of other people saw me make the decision and launch within three weeks! I’m now at episode 41 and looking forward to celebrating my first anniversary in March with something fun.

Sharing my knowledge

 Something else that’s on my bucket list is to write a book and whilst I didn’t reach my goal of completing it this year, I’m well on my way. I’m looking forward to getting back into the habit of weekly writing sessions and then bringing my new baby to the world in 2023.

I also love to guest on other people’s podcasts and this year I’m proud of the fact that I went international and recorded 3 episodes with US based podcast hosts!  I also recorded 3 episodes with people who weren’t even on my radar as possible opportunities! (Look out for my episode in January with business and mindset coach Suz Chadwick)

Invested in me

This year I continued with my membership with Anthea Cutler’s Mindset Magic. It’s been a game changer, helping me stay anchored to my goals and vision, especially whilst launching.

My other big-ticket item was a coaching program. I’m forever grateful to the beautiful souls who’ve I’ve met as part of the program, as well as the support they’ve given me to start my podcast and become the go-to expert when it comes to creating powerful content.

The numbers

It’s true that it’s not everything, but a growth in numbers is always fun to see.

  • 7% growth in Facebook likes, crossing 550 likes
  • 15% increase in Instagram followers
  • 5% in email list growth
  • 2,826 downloads and 41 episodes of The Powerful Content Podcast
  • 25% growth in Facebook Group members – The Content Project

The learnings

It’s been a year of growth on so many levels, but a few of my main learnings include:

  • I perform better when I’m surrounded by the right people
  • I can do hard things
  • It’s all about testing. Don’t be afraid to try something for the first time. If it doesn’t work out, then it’s a learning opportunity
  • I am more connected to my vision than ever before and that I’m not going to lose sight of my goals.

To celebrate this year’s successes, I’ll be having a glass of bubbles (but of course 😁) and taking some time away from the business. I know that I won’t be able to fully extract myself though as I love to use this time of year to dream big and plan for the coming year.

Over to you

This blog isn’t just about me. It’s your chance to stop, let go and celebrate as well.

I’d love to know what you achieved this year. What are you grateful for? What will you let go of? Jump into The Content Project and let me know so that I can celebrate you with another glass of bubbles!

May 2023 be the year of possibilities and adventure 💕

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Owning Your Expertise: Becoming a Go-To Expert

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