Creating content, like any activity in your business, should have a point to it. If there’s no goal, no aim or no defined desired outcome, then it’s a waste of time even doing it!
Wherever you plan to promote your content, it’s important to know why you’re doing it, who it is for and what you hope to achieve from it. Most importantly, your ideal client will want to know what they can get out of it. Here are a few types of content that you should consider incorporating into your content strategy.
Content that builds brand awareness
When you look at your marketing sales funnel, content that builds brand awareness is typically at the top. Here you are targeting the section of your potential future buyers that aren’t aware of you, what you do, or perhaps have a limited knowledge of the product or service that you provide.
The aim of brand building awareness firstly is to educate. The types of questions that you should address include:
What is the service you provide and why is it important?
What is your unique selling point (USP)?
What values does your business stand by?
What can people expect when working with you?
You should also be aware of your branding when creating this type of content. Consistency in brand colours, font and using your logos and handles make it easier to for this section of your audience to visually recognise your brand when they come across you.
The type of content that you could use to build brand awareness includes:
Email marketing
Social media posts
Videos – FB Live, IGTV, Youtube
About Page on your website
Content that drives demand
Once people are aware of who you are and what you do, then you want to start using this to drive them deeper into your sales funnel. This type of content may give them an idea of what it is like to work with you and provide a more detailed picture of the transformation that they can expect.
The aim of driving demand is to capitalise on your brand awareness work and move them into the next stage of your sales funnel. The types of questions that you should address include:
What transformation do people experience working with you?
How do you solve their frustrations and challenges?
How do you help them to achieve their business and personal goals?
How will they feel once they have worked with you?
Content will typically nurture and strengthen your relationship to further build credibility and trust. The type of content that typically drives demand includes:
Email marketing automations
5 Day Challenges or webinars
Longer blog posts
Social media posts
Low(er) priced service used as a first step to working together
Content that converts
The last part of your content strategy puzzle is creating content that takes your warmed leads and helps educate them to finally make the decision to buy from you. Conversion copy is a specialised niche of copy writing, but you can still DIY (just like me!).
So, the aim of conversion content is obviously to encourage the purchase. Think about addressing the following:
Customer testimonials
Frequently asked questions
Understanding objections, and proactively providing a solution
Use your content to convert with:
Your website, typically your service landing pages
Sales pages
Email marketing, specifically targeting those who have already purchased a low(er) price service or who you have had a discovery call with
Special offers or discounts
Now it’s your turn! How can you use these types of content in your creation process? Think about social media posts or even blogs using the questions in each section.
If you’d like to use blogs more effectively to build awareness and drive traffic, but have no idea where to start with topics, come and join my 5 Day Blog Challenge. You’ll come up with a year’s worth of blog topics (that you could also use for podcasts and videos) that will help you capture and nurture your leads. Your content strategy will thank you for it!