
This is the fourth year that I’ve written about my word of the year. I love to set a word that will inspire me or draw me back on track when I’m feeling a little wayward. I’m a little bit excited about my word this year. In the past it’s always been a verb. This year it’s a noun which will help guide my decision making and make sure that everything I do is alignment with who I want to be. My word this year is



To me this word encapsulates why I’m in business, why I’m on this earth and what I need to do to fulfil it. As many of you would know, I spent 3 days at a retreat last year and one of the best things to come out of it was the articulation of my vision, purpose and mission.

After a few hours of various writing exercises, here is what my mission is:

My mission is to live my passion by letting go of the rules and taking risks. I will be connecting, teaching, inspiring, sharing my knowledge and encouraging to make a difference in the lives of women. I will be able to smile, laugh and dance to the music of life with joy and ease.

How magical is that?!

The other meaning of my word of the year alludes to being ‘on a mission’, suggesting that I have an important task at hand and I’ll be getting stuff done!

Here’s how I see my word of the year playing out:

In business

I will seek out speaking opportunities, from podcasts to videos and speak from the heart, rather than just from the head. I will be open to more collaborations and actively seek them out as well. Above all I will create opportunities to live my mission, rather than be passive and wishing that they would come my way.

With my team

Inspiring women to become more confident in their skills and abilities, especially after being out of the workforce falls squarely within the realms of my mission! It lights me up when I see women grow and blossom and see them gain the skills they need to start or grow their own businesses. I’m looking at ways that I can work smarter and bring in more women to make a difference in their lives.

With my family

I’m looking forward to being more open to taking risks, doing things on the spur of the moment (rather than planned to the nth degree) and letting a bit more fun find its way in! I’ve already been able to make a start on this by ditching some old self-sabotaging beliefs and creating some beautiful new ones, one of which is ‘life is easy and joyous’.

For myself

This year I’m determined to spend more money on myself for personal development. I know that I have the skills and abilities to make my mission come to life, but it’s the accountability and connection with like-minded individuals that I’m missing. I will gift myself the time to find the right coach or mastermind group to participate in. If you know a good one, let me know!

I’m looking forward to bringing my mission to fruition in my personal and business life in 2020. I’m off now to write my business strategy and goals for the year, based on my new word. It’s so exciting to be able to bring it all back to one word. Mission.

What’s this year going to bring for you?

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