
Your content marketing success depends on how you connect, nurture and convert your ideal client. And this means taking them purposefully and strategically through the client journey.

I get that not everyone is a natural content creator. We’re all unique human beings with strengths and weaknesses, but I believe that no matter what type of creator you are (find out your archetype here), you can seek out support in a number of ways to ensure your content marketing is a success.

1. Mentor, coach, guide or teacher

This is probably the most obvious way to support yourself to improve your content marketing skills. I know from personal experience that I’ve created faster growth in those times that I’ve worked with a business coach.

If you don’t have the funds to pay for 1:1 support or a group program, there’s plenty of other ways you can learn and gain guidance from others. You could listen to their podcast, join their free groups, purchase low cost digital products or follow them on socials..

Word of warning here – be very particular about who you follow or take advice from and remember that you don’t have to do everything that they suggest. Pick out those tactics and strategies that feel good for you.

2. Community

One of my core beliefs is that we make a greater impact when we come together. That’s one of the reasons that I created my membership The Content Effect and just love watching the women inside supporting each other with their content.

Whether it’s sharing, cheerleading or providing suggestions, having the support of others is critically important in this business game, especially when you’re a sole trader.

3. Resources

Word of warning here: you need to make sure that you’re not continually purchasing and consuming content, without implementing or taking action. But sometimes you just need to learn how to DIY before you can outsource or have the funds for someone to do it for you.

In this economic climate it’s also important to chose the best value for money. Think about how you learn best. It may be that you like to go it alone (course), you prefer course material that you work through in real time with a mentor (group program) or it may be that you want ongoing support from a community and course materials (membership)

4. Find what works for you

Above all, it’s important to honour you as a person. Business (and content) is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. What works for that high profile coach you follow may not necessarily work for you. Take what you need, when you need it.

And specifically when it comes to content, there is a simple 4 step framework that anyone can implement into their content creation to support themselves to be more visible, more consistent and create more sales. You can download this free resource here.

If you want to know more about uncovering how you can support yourself in a unique way with your content, make sure you join us inside The Content Effect. Pop your name on the waitlist if doors are currently closed and you’ll receive a special thank you gift as well as insider scoops and bonuses.


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