
One of the ways that you can save time and money in your business, is to outsource your content marketing. But the thought of hiring a new team member, let alone how you’re going to onboard them and teach them everything they need to know can be a daunting project.

Keeping these tips in mind can help make the process easier.

1. Identify the tasks to outsource

What don’t you enjoy doing?

When it comes to your content marketing, is there a particular task that you procrastinate over? Or one that you find takes forever to do, when in reality it shouldn’t take that long at all?

It may be the scheduling of social media, or it could even be writing that blog! If there’s something that makes you exhale deeply when you know you need to do it, it’s time for someone else to do it!

What isn’t a good use of your time?

If you charge an hourly session at $200, is scheduling your social media the best use of your time when you could pay someone $35 an hour? By outsourcing a task like this, you’re actually freeing up your time to make money! So look at it as an investment, not an expense for your business.

What isn’t in your zone of genius?

You know that feeling when you’re serving your clients and time passes really quickly or you get off a coaching call and feel lit up? You need to be doing MORE of this! Everything else potentially isn’t in your zone of genius, but rather your zone of excellence, as Gay Hendricks describes it in his book The Big Leap.

Eliminating the content marketing tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius will not only free up more of your time, but allow you to fell more fulfilled in your business.

2. Document the process

Every piece of content that you produce contains a number of different steps. For example, this blog isn’t just about me writing it.

I need to find an image, name it correctly, upload the text and image to my website, pull out pieces to reimagine, create graphics for social media platforms, write two promotional paragraphs, create a shortened version for Google My Business, promote on Linkedin . . . Can you see where I’m going here?

Recording all of these steps will help you considerably when you’re looking to outsource your content marketing and maximise your return on investment. There are several ways that you can document these steps:

Screen record as you’re doing them: This is a great way to prepare for outsourcing as you can actually SHOW someone how to do it, without even being present! It allows them to revisit the recording as often as they need to until they become familiar with the process.

Voice record: as above, simply grab your phone and dictate what you’re doing as you do it. You don’t even have to convert this to text if you don’t want to. Save that for your new team member and it’ll embed the process even further for them.

Write them down: this may be a bit more time consuming, but in the end you’ll have a very robust set of instructions that will help your new team member to grasp the intricacies of each task.

Combination: I use both writing and recording for my processes and then place them in Asana.

By identifying which tasks to outsource for your content marketing, then documenting the actual steps involved, you can be confident that when it comes time to find a team member to help you out, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running!

If you’d like to know more about how to be prepared with your content creation so that you can quickly and easily outsource to a new team member, then come and join us inside my membership, The Content Effect. You’ll find all of the tools, resources and support you need to ditch your content fatigue and create with more ease.




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