Content really is the lifeblood of our business. If you think about how people find you and buy from you, it’s highly likely that they found you through the power of content. When we’re consistently creating and publishing, then sales will consistently flow.
Building a business is less about how many promotional posts you make on social media and more about how you use your content powerfully to move your ideal client through the journey with you. Here’s 4 different ways that content can make or break your business.
Connect and attract a new audience
The first stage of the client journey is connect. So, if you’re content is missing the mark here then your ideal client won’t even begin on that journey with you. In order to attract and build an audience who loves you and is ready to buy from you, you need to make sure that you:
- Know, and feel deeply connected with, your ideal client
- Have a lead magnet that speaks to a problem that your ideal client is facing
- Bring as much of YOU as possible to your content
Communicate the possibilities you create in your ideal client’s business
It’s one thing to have an amazing offer that you know creates a huge difference in your ideal client’s life, but it’s another to be able to communicate this effectively with your content. To be able to do this you must:
- Have a message that matters
- Know what it means to you, your business, and your ideal client
- Be able to answer the ‘so what?’ question in your content`
Make sales
Like I said in the introduction, content is all about taking your ideal client on a journey with you. If your content isn’t doing its job, you’ll never even reach the point of having the opportunity to convert your ideal client. At this point it’s all about helping them make the decision that you’re the right person for them and confidence that they’re making the right choice. You can do this by:
- Being clear on the possibilities you create in your ideal client’s life and communicating them often
- Showcasing testimonials, wins and case studies of working with clients
Establish yourself as an expert
Becoming the go-to person in your industry is important for your business. It sets you up to be able to build your audience of people who are attracted to your ideas and to be able to charge premium prices for your services as well as speaking opportunities (side note: if you’re looking for a speaker on content related topics, check out my speaker page here). To become an expert you need to:
- Know your message that matters
- Talk about it all the time
- Find opportunities for you to speak (podcasts, Facebook Groups, collaborations with others
Content really is the lifeblood of your business and when you’re creating it consistently in a powerful way, then you can ensure that you’re attracting the right people and taking them on a journey to conversion.
If you’d like to know more about how to create consistent content that leads to sales, then check out my free resource here. Don’t forget the low-cost upgrade to the accompanying Masterclass for a more detailed description on how you can apply it to your business.
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