Knowing whether your content is successful is more than tracking your likes and engagement on social media content. Successful content reflects what you want your content to do for your ideal client, and ultimately your business. Here’s 4 ways to tell if any piece of content that you create is successful.
Successful content creates a conversation
This doesn’t mean that every single social media post needs a million comments and likes or thousands of comments on your blog posts. Conversation just means content that opens a two-way street. Questions to ask yourself include:
- Does it make your ideal client stop, pause and take stock of their own views?
- Does it highlight what makes you different?
- Does it offer a different perspective?
- Are you asking as often as you are telling or teaching?
- Are you listening to what’s being said about this topic in general?
Successful content connects with your ideal client
When you apply the idea of the client journey to your content, it’s about helping our ideal client go through 5 different phases – connect, subscribe, nurture, convert and onboard. So, if you’re missing the mark with the first step, then it’s unlikely that they’ll ever become a paying client. Questions to ask yourself include:
- Am I communicating my beliefs and values?
- Does my content truly reflect who I am as a person?
- Do I have a message that matters?
- How can I lean into the relationship with my ideal client?
Successful content is something your ideal client cares about
So often I see business owners focusing on the things that you get when you work with them. The features, the number of modules, the workbooks, the videos. This isn’t what your ideal client cares about. It’s what you create in their life that they care about. And if you’re not talking to this in your content, then it’s not doing its job. Questions to ask yourself include:
- Do I stand out from the crowd?
- Am I clear on the possibilities I create in my ideal client’s life?
- Do I communicate these clearly, and often?
- Does my content lead to an offer that they care about?
Successful content leads to conversion
Truth bomb. In the client journey, the ultimate outcome we want from the content that we create is to be able to take them from not knowing anything about you, all the way to becoming a raving paying fan. Sales is the ultimate measure of whether your content is successful. Questions to ask yourself include:
- Am I taking my ideal client on a journey?
- Am I meeting my sales targets?
- Where is my ideal client getting stuck in the client journey?
- What needs to change to meet my targets?
These 4Cs of successful content also only mean anything if it’s achieving the objectives that you’ve set yourself and you’re tracking the outcomes to ensure that you’re on track. But at the end of the day, if you’re not seeing sales, then something needs to change with your content.
When you wrap all of this up in a fifth C – Consistency then you can ensure that you’re continually reaching people on different stages of the client journey and embedding your message that matters with them.
If you’d like to know more about how to bring more consistency to create successful content, then grab my free resource Unlock Content Consistency and grab the limited time $7 upgrade to watch the Masterclass.
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