This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small amount of compensation when you purchase from my links, which I’ll totally blow on feeding my chocolate addiction.] Creating content is all about giving value to your ideal client in such a way that they want...
I get it. You’re busy trying to keep your business baby afloat and do #allthethings. There is a lot to think about, so much we could be doing and big dreams to follow. On top of this there is social media, blogging and email marketing to create as well. All of this...
I absolutely love ‘guesting’ as a strategy to increase your reach and authority. If these two objectives are part of your content strategy, then guesting (think blogs, podcasts, videos or providing content of value to another business or person) should...
Creating content, like any activity in your business, should have a point to it. If there’s no goal, no aim or no defined desired outcome, then it’s a waste of time even doing it! Wherever you plan to promote your content, it’s important to know why you’re doing it,...
This blog has now become a regular feature in my blog calendar each year. I get really excited to be able to take a purposeful moment to celebrate successes each year. There are many strategists out there who say that you can’t really begin to look forward until...
How much time do you spend scrolling through your phone looking for something vaguely relevant to post on your social media? I bet the answer is too much time! It an attempt to solve my content woes and have some beautiful images I could use on my new website (stay...