
There’s a difference between when you build an aligned audience and when you build one that fuels your ego. Yes, you need numbers in your world, to be able to reach people however if that’s what you’re solely focused on, you’re going to miss out on the gold.

And the gold lies in the people who love what you stand for, admire your perspective and are inspired by your energy. These are the people who are ready to buy from you and they’re the ones you need to find and love on.

In this blog, I talked about how to go about building your email list, which is one portion of your audience. Your audience is also made up of people who follow you on social media, read your blogs, listen to your podcasts or watch your videos.

So, if we have people scattered across our content ecosystem, it could make it difficult to really understand how to attract and nurture the right kinds of people.

The core to building an aligned audience that’s ready to buy is all about how well you understand the client journey. Once you create it, you’ll find it so much easier to create content that’s aligned with who you are, but also aligned with your ideal client. Here’s how to use the client journey when building an audience.


When we move from a transactional to relationship-based perspective with our content marketing, this first phase of the client journey becomes so much easier. Instead of standing on the stage and yelling at people to come and see what you’ve got, you’re taking a genuine approach to attract the right people.

This means social media posts that are authentic, reveal snippets of you but most importantly show what you stand for and the basis of your magnetic message. Share your values, core beliefs and allow them to identify with you.

If you get this part of the client journey right, then you’ll be attracting an aligned audience right from the very start.


When we’re inviting people on to our email list through providing them with a lead magnet, we need to be mindful whether what we’re providing is not only aligned to our own service offerings, but also whether we’re attracting everyone, or just those people who we really want to work with.

This goes against many marketing beliefs – that you try and attract as many people as possible and then convince them that they need your thing. Huh? I know that I’d much rather work with people who love what I teach, than those who’ve been convinced that their situation is dire and they need my thing.

Totally different energy!

So, making sure that you’re building an aligned audience that’s ready to buy from you in this phase really means creating a lead magnet that attracts the right people in the first place.


Nurturing is less about building and more about preparing. In this phase of the client journey, you already have your aligned audience, but you’re preparing them for purchase.

If you’ve managed the first two phases well, the time that they spend here shouldn’t be too long! Continue to build on your relationship with value and knowledge. Remember to stay consistent.


When you build an aligned audience, you’re more likely to have people that are ready to purchase from you. So, in this phase of the client journey, you’ve already done the hard work and you’ll be able to enjoy working with people who you truly love to serve.


The great advantage of having an aligned audience become a paying client is that they’re more likely to becoming a raving fan! And an aligned client will attract more aligned clients, building your aligned audience even further.

By using the client journey as the foundation for our content marketing, we can quickly and easily build an aligned audience who not only love you, but who you love to serve too.

Learning how to use our content powerfully in this process is something that we embrace inside The Content Effect. If you’re ready to enjoy working with clients that you love and attracting them with your standout content in a way that feels easy, come and check if the doors are open. The Content Effect community is built around alignment and I know that you’ll get all the love and support that you need to grow your profitable business in a way that feels good for you.

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