
Firstly, I want you to know that everyone struggles to be visible even when they don’t feel confident. We’ve all experienced it and will probably continue to experience it at various stages of our business journey.

Being visible is all about being on your ideal client’s radar. It’s about giving them the opportunity to connect with you so that you can begin to take them on the client journey with you, and ultimately convert them into a paying client.

But I see so many women sabotaging their visibility. Whilst there’s a whole heap of mindset work that needs to be done, there’s some simple and practical ways that we can begin to increase and maintain our visibility, even when you don’t feel confident.

The Circle of Content Confidence

By following the Circle of Content Confidence we can make sure that we continue to create content on a consistent basis to stay front of mind for our ideal client and move them through the client journey with us.

Learning to create powerful content which meets the needs of both our ideal client and ourselves then having the courage to share, look for the signs of feedback and then refine what we say helps us to gradually increase our confidence, and therefore our visibility.

A word on consistency

I see a lot of entrepreneurs who attack their content with gusto for a period, then fall away and hide out of exhaustion.

This yo-yo of visibility not only impacts your confidence but leaves your ideal client wondering what’s going on. One minute they see you everywhere and the next you’ve disappeared.

The impact of this is that it’s not helping them transition through the client journey with you. People need to see and hear you consistently in order to connect with you and eventually convert. A stop-start approach will see them going through that client journey with you, getting to a point where you disappear and then having to go back to the beginning to remember why they liked you in the first place.

This content game is a marathon, not a 100 metre sprint!

Trying to do too much too quickly is a recipe for content overwhelm and burn out. Start small and gradually add more platforms or features as you cement your processes. As an example, emailing your subscribers every month around the same date is going to have a bigger impact than starting out with weekly emails which then become more sporadic over the month.

People love consistency and knowing what to expect.

Do it your way

Visibility feels hard when we’re trying to be someone we think we should be, or when we’re trying to be like someone else.

And if we’re not feeling aligned with how we’re showing up for our audience, then naturally our confidence is going to dwindle considerably. We feel like we’re presenting ourselves at less than our perceived perfection. And that’s hard work!

Take a step back. Look at your values and beliefs and then lean into them. When you’re talking about what you believe to be true in your industry in a way that feels aligned for you, then your perspective is going to shift and it’ll feel much easier to be more visible.

If you’re looking for the tools, resources and support to become more confident with your content strategy and to create stand out content that gets you noticed and remembered, then The Content Effect is the place for you.

Join the only content membership that empowers you to make bold decisions and powerful choices. This isn’t about spoon feeding you. It’s about taking a strategy and making it your own. Because only you can do you. Find out more here

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How I create content for my business

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