
Imagine having endless content ideas to tap into whenever you’re feeling in the flow! When you have a bank of content ideas ready to go, it takes the decision drama out of what to create and you can get stuck straight into the creating, rather than procrastinating and creating nothing at all.

At the beginning of each calendar year, I go through these steps so that I can plan out an entire year’s worth of blogs and podcasts (that’s a total of 52 content ideas!).

Create a mind map

If you’re a visual person, a mind map is a brilliant way of illustrating all your ideas. Ask yourself the following questions to build out your map. (If you prefer, you can always create a list instead)

Who do you serve?

What is your ideal client interested in outside your zone of genius? This will help you seek out collaborative opportunities. Remember, you don’t have to create all the content yourself!

What do you do?

This seems like a simple question but breaking it down into the steps involved in delivering your service or the different components of your packages can result in an abundance of content ideas.

Why do you do it?

Think about why what you do is important and the possibilities that you create in your ideal client’s life. What can they be, do or have as a result of working with you? Remember, you’re connecting with a human.

Your industry

What’s going on in your industry at the moment that you could add value on comment on? Is there a regulation, system, trend or software that’s changed recently? You could also find some statistics that would be of interest or that may shock or surprise your audience.


Never underestimate yourself as the greatest source of content ideas! What are your values, belief and vision? What do you love to do outside of your business? Or what are you working on in your business that could help someone else going through something similar?

Unusual sources

Sometimes it helps to think outside the box when it comes to content ideas. This blog outlines 3 sources of content ideas, but there’s plenty more that you can add to the list. You could search in Facebook Groups, use your keywords, FAQs, what’s trending on Pinterest, use tools such as Answer the Public or the most obvious – ask! Use polls, stories, Facebook Groups and surveys to uncover what people think that they need to learn more about, or what their challenges are inside your zone of genius.

Use AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has to be one of the greatest tools to emerge for businesses and content. Whilst there are definitely limitations to the technology, it will only get better over time so learning how to use it now is an absolute game changer for any business owner, especially when you’re looking for content ideas,

No matter which OpenAI system you use, you’ll need to be very specific with your input because you know the old saying. Garbage in = garbage out. The content ideas you get from AI will only be as useful as the prompts that you give it.

(Side note: Kajabi* now has AI prompts to help you write any piece of content from sales pages to emails plus helps you brainstorm ideas).

If you’d like to step into the next year with a content calendar full of ideas ready to go, that builds an aligned audience who love you and are ready to buy from you, come and join my free live workshop series – A year’s worth of content. You’ll walk away with enough content ideas to fill your content calendar for 2024 and beyond plus an arsenal of tools that will keep the ideas flowing for years to come. Join the series here.   

* This is an affiliate link for a 30-day free trial of Kajabi. If you go on to purchase a subscription, I will use the compensation to fuel my chocolate addiction. Thank you!

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How I create content for my business

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