I know it’s scary to outsource you content, but it’s one of the biggest blocks to your business success. And when I talk about outsourcing content, I don’t necessarily mean the creation of your core piece of content (blog, podcast or video), but rather,...
Constantly coming up with new content ideas can be exhausting. Sometimes it’s so exhausting that we put it in the too-hard basket and don’t even bother creating content at all. And that’s probably the worst possible thing you can do for your business’s success. So...
A magnetic message is simply the way that we communicate what we do to our ideal client that draws them in, allows them to identify with you and makes them want to buy from you. A good magnetic messageIn my opinion magnetic messaging doesn’t involve tricky sales...
Core content is the lynch pin to easy, sustainable content and plays an important part in the client journey. It’s the blog, podcast or video that we create as the main part of our content marketing strategy and can be used to first connect with our ideal client and...
Guest Post – Sarah Aktag, Founder of Eliza Stock Professional content is the key to creating a professional aesthetic for your brand and business. In this blog Sarah from Eliza Stock shares the top 5 places to use stock photograph in your content. Fresh, new,...